Mt. Fuji 富士山-the most popular destination in Japan for foreign travellers
Where should you go to get a great view?

Mt. Fuji has become the symbol of Japan, as it is majestic as well as sacred.
1 Mt. Fuji- facts, history and culture
2 Where should you go to view Mt. Fuji?
2.1 Izu Peninsula-Mishima
2.11 Special Ryokan, Japanese style hotel in Mishima
2.12 Some adventure at Mishima Skywalk?
2.2 Lake Yamanaka, one of the five lakes of Mt. Fuji
3 Enjoy Yamanashi Prefecture, as well
1 Mt. Fuji-facts, history and culture
Besides being the highest peak in Japan (3776m), it is very photogenic from afar. There are many places to view Mr. Fuji, or Fuji-san as the Japanese refer to it. In 2013, it was chosen as UNESCO`s world heritage site, as Fuji-san, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration. For example, it has long been a pilgrimage site and lots of paintings, ukiyoe, literature, etc. have featured Fuji-san. For more on UKIYOE, please check the site here.
Fuji san has erupted 10 times, the last time being in 1707. Ever since, it has been quiet, but Japan is always on alert for the next big eruption, which will inevitably have a huge impact to the surrounding area, especially Tokyo.
2 Where should you go to view Fuji-san?
Try the Izu Peninsula where there are many onsen/hot spring resorts and good ryokan/hotels where one of the highlight is to view Mt. Fuji from your room or the onsen bath. There are plenty to do in this popular peninsula.2.1
2.1 MISHIMA, good base for enjoying IZU peninsula.
2.11 Special Ryokan, Japanese style hotel, in Mishima
This picture was taken from a Japanese ryokan/hotel in Mishima, SHOUTOUKAN松濤館. MISHIMA is at the North West part of the IZU peninsula, which is located in the South of Mr. Fuji, as you can see here.
Official site of the ryokan/hotel is here:
本日より夕食の献立が松風月の内容となりました。鰻・鱧・玉蜀黍といったこの時期に一段と美味しくなる食材を用いた おしながきとなっております。
— 伊豆・三津浜 松濤館 (@IzuShoutoukan) 2017年6月16日
This Japanese ryokan/hotel is very famous for its high quality Japanese food, aside from the Fuji-san view.
2.12 Some adventure at Mishima Skywalk?
Check the column on MISHIMA SKYWALK, that you may be interested in visiting while in this area. Please take a look here
Also, here is the city`s pamphlet in PDF form in English.
You can visit the other places of interest in Izu peninsula from Mishima, too.
Another option?
2.2 Lake Yamanaka, one of the 5 lakes at the foot steps of Mr. Fuji
These pictures were taken from Yamanaka-ko. Another favorite lake is Kawaguchi-ko. You will get a good view of Fuji-san from these two lakes as well. Also, you can enjoy some water sports there. And yes, there are hot springs everywhere, too. However, the atmosphere is a bit touristy.
3 Enjoy Yamanashi Prefecture, as well
Check the official site of Yamanashi prefecture below for more information on this area.
Any questions or comments?
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