About the Writer

Rie Shigekawa

Over 20 years of financial experience, specializing in researching and investing in Japanese equity market, meeting a few hundred companies annually. Diverse and deep knowledge about Japanese business and economy.

Spending about a quarter of my life abroad, I learned to appreciate Japan, with an objective and partly outsider`s view. Luckily I have been to many countries over the last 4 decades. Every place has unique charms and fond memories.
Many of my friends visit and come to like Japan a lot, often repeatedly visiting, finding out new aspects and digging deeper.

I believe that Japan has so much to offer to travelers.

Culture, history, nature, hospitality are all alive in daily lives.
Nature is perhaps the most underappreciated and unknown. Did you know that only 25% of Japan is habitable? Nature in Japan is beautiful and diverse. Still untapped.

How about food? Food is so important as we eat three times a day. There is a reason why Japan boasts the most Michelin stars as a country. Even on an everyday level, food is excellent and reasonably priced. It would definitely be a highlight of any trip to Japan.

Any inconvenience? Sure. Definitely.

Japan is still in the process of working on reducing language barriers-it is still very difficult to get around without some understanding of the language. Unless, of course, you just visit the tourist centric part of the large cities.
In order for you to discover the real Japan, YOUR Japan, a little help comes in handy. Discover the real Japan!

It is hard to believe that we are the fastest aging society as our infrastructure is still unfriendly and inconvenient. Japan is working on becoming barrier free, especially as we prepare ourselves for the much anticipated Tokyo Olympics 2020.

I wanted to share what I find special about my country and encourage more people to come visit! This is my incentive for starting this site.

Rie Shigekawa